Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fifth Principle....Politeness and Integrity

How many of you put up your hand to call the waiter , especially at your average stalls.. five of them zipping around doing nothing all oblivious to you...or even go to a business entity owned by other races..that serves the masses such as workshop for example....and at the end of the "interaction" you feel somewhat cheated in a way..after another customer of the same race as the mechanic walks in and they speak in a language that you don't understand...with friendly facial expressions.........

How do you feel i ask you now?.......

Was it like this before? or was it "better" or somewhat tolerable.......

I think it is time to look at our Rukun Negara.....cause i dont think its working.......

Forget Constitution........those are for "institutions" which aims to govern our interaction...too many articles to remember and understand for a layman....

Imagine this the first target of any ruling party is to have the ability to amend it....that's all they GOVERN us.....first thing out from the news...after the complete black out of information during the last GE......BN loses the "ability"........some people may disagree about constitutions being a control parameter for only institutions but the thing we are asked to do about it.... is actually to PROTECT the Supremacy of the Constitution....that's the do part....

Well lets look at the official translation since we are talking about it

Our Nation, Malaysia is dedicated to:

Achieving a greater unity for all her people;

Maintaining a democratic way of life;

Creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably distributed;

Ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural tradition,

Building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology.

satD:How many did you score.....say a 5 out of 10 on the above.....i only managed to score a low 5 on the last one .....the science and technology part even that i think we could have done better .......................why didn't the Government have policies like qualification of MSC Buildings (Anywhere within 50KM of a reference point) if you are connected at a certain level on the Grid instead of focusing on real estate aspects........that's our Subprime Goverment Projects i a few more i can name but go figure folks.....
We, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends, guided by these principles:

Belief in God.

Loyalty to King and Country.

Supremacy of the Constitution.

The Rule of Law.

Mutual respect and good social behavior.

satD: I'm gonna skip item 2,3 and 4 as i find them hard to assign a numerical value

i'm gonna instead ask you on things that you do everyday.......Item 1 and 5....

How many of you actually practice religion? I mean you can be a Muslim but you drink, commit adultery, lie with malice and intent, tak mandi hadas n never sembayang......

When was the last time you were in church on Sunday? How many of you say your prayers before your meal? Or you just wallop the whole thing in without even thinking about GOD..

Do you say your prayers before you go to sleep......or do you offer anything at all to your GOD

and how many of you don't believe in anything

Count yourself....and your associations and compare that with the people around you say in your office, family etc etc.......whats the %?

Now on point 5....which is the key to our UNITY.....

Imagine if everyone now is more polite with one another....not fake polite.....but genuinely polite how would things be.......

I've been in Jakarta for a few years's so nice.....people are so genuinely feel it......being called a Pak is actually quite nice.....and this is across all race...not just the pribumi....Ibu' so polite.....that helps......

It's different tho when people get into their need for communication and our cars can get 100% tint........anyway whats the fuss about tinted helps conserve energy you fool

Look at how we drive.....i don't need to come out with any analogy on this know for yourself.................and we got no tint...i could actually see your face coming at me....

And to people as well as businesses what is your level of integrity in doing business? We've heard so many large scale corporate failures in recent years arising from complete failure in your principles of integrity......ever heard of terms like corporate governance and risk management..these are tools designed to control them.......the recent one freak me out..

Anyway folks....i got an online date with my wife....see ya...

PS:Do think about being more polite to one another and try defining what integrity actually means....ah before i forget... bring back cigarettes advertising.....ask them to spend on National Unity...Billboards, Sports, Messages on Cigarettes Boxes..with scary picture on the other side....ahhh one last one....sssh don't tell people ya...M***j***a  unite people of various culture n languages.....perhaps that can be a can start with medicinal use first......
Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. -Lord Thomas Dewer