Thursday, December 18, 2008

Legalising Money Politics

Disclaimer: I'm not in any way associated with UMNO so do not think of me as a "pro" UMNO individual(I'm not even a registered voter and have not collected my MYKARD since 2006)..i only care for the plight of the Malays and the fate of our nation.....
Don't know whether this can be done or not........
What if politicians in UMNO are paid proper salary say 150,000 ringgit a year, a car, a driver, housing, insurance and medical benefits for the family members.
Let them focus on serving the people instead of doing business...apply the same principle in cawangan, bahagian etc on a smaller scale.....
How to get the money you may proper business by UMNO(your existing proxy companies should be declared to the internal audit, and begin consolidating the wealth in "trust" with annual reporting to MT and an official annual group report to members).......... going forward create proper contribution mechanism to the party and design an investment fund properly where members can contribute and earn the returns together.....
Focus on the gray area in between Charity and Community/Development Banking(learn from Grameen) supported by the current network of branches, assist the Government with the economy...and especially assist the Malays, become an agent for NEP “officially” with annual public reports to the Government, other NGO’s representing the Malays can apply to the funds by submitting their plan for review by the Government......apply Islamic Finance ONLY jangan buat duit haram....

You should also operate like a Venture or Private Equity Outfit...provide seed entrepreneurs in their strategies, at all with the bankers for them to go bigger....some of you may sit as Directors in the Companies...not your typical crappy Director of a Sdn Bhd...but really helping and assisting the companies and instill corporate governance and social responsibility
For the old ones have a pension plan if you can, take care of your old ones properly, have respect and be with them till the could you all treat Tun like that......i may not agree with him at times but not to him please...he did a lot for all must question about it human know you are in the wrong.........
NEP should be practiced with a merit driven system among the Malays, then only it works, if competition is poor nothing will be achieved. Instead, mediocrity and dependency breeds....
We must build solid well managed Malay companies and secure the long term wealth of our race, we cannot depend on the Government forever....NEP must go one day.....and when that happens we must be ready to compete.......even now as we speak, the ASEAN Economic Community is starting, resources from other ASEAN countries are becoming more free to move can we protect our future employment?....
Education strategies for our children must be well designed to prepare them in 20 years time.....and this is for all Malaysians not just the Malays....we must be together to face the incoming competition......
Our social structure is changing facilitated by technological and communication technology....internet, blogs, SMS, Tel, Facebook, Chat Rooms, emails etc etc etc.....before the fastest was a telegram....and most people were afraid of it.......
All of these....allow us to draw our collective thoughts together....the problem with that is people disagree too much.....even though they are supporting the same thing...find common grounds quick people.....
tolong lah.....malu saya jadi orang Melayu Malaysia kat Indonesia ni.......orang kat sini tanye...
Pak Pak ...gimana Malaysia.....udah ngalahin sinetron ni?.......i just smile and shake my head....


  1. Can no do!

    First umno branch's money is the money of the branch chairperson. Itu gua biyah duit oh!

    Same cases all the way to the top.

    umno itself is only a vehicle, good to look but boo duit dalam! Maybe dulu, tapi sekarang......

    So how to pay top salary?

    Lagi itu KPI? Bearing in mind that money politic is the game here! The branch chairperson define his own KPI, tak bol'h!

    Then there is the know-who factor. tahu KJ/Rosma' tak'? Mana pula jadi KPI?

    NO NO NO. Back to drawing board.


  2. a very good comments and suggestion, but it think the main problem with UMNO and Malaysia lately was due to leadership, which i think Pak lah to be blamed for it.

    The reason been is that:

    1. He has adopted a worng strategy from begining of his tenure as prmie minister. The strategy was actually to run away from a shadow of TUN and to create hiw own image and the same time allow his menantu to be into the UMNO and become a leader.

    2. He has tried many approaches in order to achieve his strategy. such as islam hadari, openess and jidiciary reform etc.

    3. But the fact is that his islam hdadari mampus and was turndown by the voter in march 2008 election.

    4. we was so panic about this scenario and change his direction to be know as "Judiciarist Reform" and has appointed Zaid Ibrahim as his change agent and has compensated those judged and end up his created another problem in political issues. More pressure came and Zaid left and ....

    5. Not muych left for him to gain respect and to getr rid from the "Bapak mertu KJ" trademark. Pak lah has no toher choice but to came up with new strategy that is to ammend the JAC vills which was passed by the parliment lately.

    so the conclusion is that right from beginning of his tenure he was only busy with doing trade marking intsead of bringing and putting more effort to increase the competitiveness of Malaysia and provide more condusive environment for businessman and thus, create more job opportunity to the rakyat. Instead, iflation and unemployment has risen seriously and Rakyat was suffered.

    as for me, no point so much strategy of branding the image but to the expense of rakyat.

    ambo pun ada jugak la pi ke indonesia dua kali tahun ni. Sedih bila orang indon pun dah respect malaysia lagi. Kita dah hilang halatuju kerana kepimpinan yang lemah dan tidak dihormati.


    harap bapak sihat sahaja

  3. gwlnet...somehow u dont sound like the one i know??....i'm quite lost dear..whats ur point?

    Faudzi tks...

    Lets not go the path of "blame"storming please...we all know what the problem is, maybe not the magnitude....but we all are somewhat what next? let it hard to fix today??....will make it harder tomorrow.....jadi kerak nanti....

    Must start somewhere....soon

  4. rasuah or equivalent practices exist not only in the party ( politics ) but also in the civil/government services and private/govmt sector , broadly across the country. btw how do we term '' govmt special preferential treatments to 'certain' company '' ie awarding big govmt contracts to them ? in my view this is also one form of 'bribery' . yes we heard so many 'ideas' to solve the issue but at the end , the 'will to change' is needed. rm1million cukup pak ?? how much is enuf .. CM

  5. CM do read my post on Defragmenting Money Politics, that would help as this one is a follow up...I've identified the issues you mentioned as well as propose the potential control parameters to be introduced


Folks let me know what u need for mumbo-jumbo pseudo intellectual bullshit crap...a simple hello would be great....n thank u for droppin more thing...ANON's please put a nick ya, susah want to address u ....n it also show that u r responsible for what u wanna say....

Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. -Lord Thomas Dewer