Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Confessions from Room 101

Data...simply fascinates me..dissecting layers upon layer for observable behavior amidst all the randomness......imagine an army of statisticians having an orgy analyzing your daily activities like ur spending patterns, important dates in your life...etc..all of this then goes into building an assumption in a model......this model then predicts your behavior.....sometimes it works... sometimes miles u feel "violated" in anyway?? Folks be wary of the evil monster called Facebook they know who u r and your associations .......Walmart for instance, learns from all your spending activity and utilize this to the max...take for example after 9-11 they reacted by "immediately" controlling the TOTAL supply of american flags.....a very well calculated strategy indeed.....

Enough of this crap, inconsistent rambling..... my point is.....this Nat-Geo pic on the left is what we we would become once the DNA bill becomes law n goes in-force with a policeman appointed by the Home Ministry in-charge....... everything seems like an afterthought...then they try to counter everything with the unseen "Rock solid" Data Protection Act...even with that i'm still worried actually knowing how valuable datas n biotech companies would love to get their hands on them .......mmm..ever got a call from strange faceless telemarketer who seems to know a few common things about u n u wonder how they got ur blardy fuckin number.....our "private" data is an active "organized"black market for years......identity thefts....that's our thing actually......the Malaysians are so good at this.....u can check with Visa International .....they effortlessly steal ur shit without u knowing atm machines., hotels, data data......arent we all just numbers anyway....

What if all new babies born after this bill will have their DNA taken with or without consent??....and imagine finding out the baby is not yours...a day after ..........i would rather not know forever.....

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Folks let me know what u need for mumbo-jumbo pseudo intellectual bullshit crap...a simple hello would be great....n thank u for droppin more thing...ANON's please put a nick ya, susah want to address u ....n it also show that u r responsible for what u wanna say....

Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. -Lord Thomas Dewer