Egypt's Hosni Mubarak resigned as president and handed control to the military today after 29 years in power, bowing to a historic 18-day wave of pro-democracy demonstrations by hundreds of thousands. "The people ousted the president," chanted a crowd of tens of thousands outside his presidential palace in Cairo.
Several hundred thousand protesters massed in Cairo's central Tahrir Square exploded into joy, cheering and waving Egyptian flags. Fireworks, car horns and celebratory shots in the air were heard around the city of 18 million in joy after Vice President Omar Suleiman made the announcement on national TV just after nightfall. more here
Strange times we live in today.....
Allow me to offer a framework to look at the situation....
I call it NOTthe1Malaysia Framework....
Check it out.......
I've seen quite a number of regimes gone down and the most important component is the Class Dimension when both the Middle Class and the Poor Unite to form a wave of dissent financed by the has a higher chance of success...especially if the Army stays neutral to the situation.....
So in the framework above one must manage the "Economic Gap" as the other Barrier is expending on its own....tak payah buat ape2 pun......from 50 tahun jadi rakyat tak reti Bahasa Kebangsaan to Vernacular Schools to Body Snatching and Child Abduction by Religious Authorities etc etc etc....
Ask yourself what would bring you down to the streets together with fellow "Malaysians"....
Free and Fair Elections?
Better Governance?
"Cultural Rights" being denied?
folks allow me to take you back to something I wrote in 2007
From a distance one's view may be limited to the very little information that he has access to...The build-up was interesting.....the event...the objective...the manner in which it was executed..the reactions....n of course ...the local media......
Nov 10 came n gone.....wish i was there to witness it first did BERSIH achieved anything?.....apart from gathering like minded people for a common cause.....i can assure you that many were there for a common cause but ......but for some.... there could have been an underlying motive...personal perhaps....
Was it really 60K people who gathered......why wasnt there a picture taken from one of the buildings.......optical illusion perhaps......Al Jazeera could have put someone in an office building or an apartment with full view of the strategic locations......
To the "60K" who painted the town yellow.......whats your next move?....will regular gatherings be the weapon of choice.....
Indonesia, Thailand, Philipines...have seen it all......of how reform agenda were taken to the streets and of how the govt machinery dealt which the threat.....and of how people's power triump............take a step back folks.......look at yourself in the mirror......mmm actually get one of those cheap Air Asia flight out to Jakarta or Manila......have a look at the country....n compare it with could feel the hardship our neighbors are suffering by just taking a stroll out of your hotel.....So do u think that u r willing to risk your comfortable zone to go to the streets for something that you believe in......
Why don't you just go to your neighbors for a chat... and try to convince them to believe in the cause....get them to go to the people that they know n do the same......begin the revolution of the stealth need for police permits....nor the threats of detention nor physical harm.....and when the time comes......exercise your right to vote....simple
I still feel the same....
Street democracy is something that requires dedicated agents who can mobilise people to the streets....
For example in Indonesia during the fall of Suharto.......
2 Battalions of the Armed Forces went missing.....
Riots was so "well organised"......
Mobs roamed...first they break the door...if noone goes in...they throw goods out......if folks don't pick up ..they burn.........and off they go to another target.....and these people ran no stop.....
Who can do that?
So add that dimension in the framework and the Powers of Raja2 Melayu
If anything gets out of hand are you folks ready to be under Military Rule?
Anyway folks lets get back to the framework above...
I said that the biggest parameter in the Economic Gap......tu gua pakai logic gua aje....
gua pun google la cari Technical References...jumpa satu baik punye....
lu orang baca sendiri Chapter 2 go here
I will leave you today with James C Davies 1962 piece
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