In the Penang chief minister’s Chinese New Year address today, he said that the ability of the four Pakatan Rakyat (PR) states to attract more than half of Malaysia’s total investment was proof that the federal opposition can deliver.
“Only a two-party system can ensure pece, harmony and that Malaysia’s rich natural resources benefit 27 million Malaysians,” the Bagan MP said, adding that this required an opposition which can not only deny Barisan Nasional (BN) its customary two-thirds majority in Parliament but also form federal government.
“For those who say that PR does not know how to govern, the four states of Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan have proven our ability by beating the other 10 BN states by attracting RM25 billion in investments, comprising 53 per cent of Malaysia’s total investments in 2010,” he said. More here
Haiya Beng
Lu lagi mau bising lagi ka......
Minggu kemalin lu sudah kena kantoi kencing lagi mau kincing ka?
Satu Malaysia sudah tahu itu Penang sama itu Selangor sebelum lu takeover pun memang sudah banyak investment loh.........
Tapi gua kasi chance sama lu la ini hali........tapi gua ada sidikit question ma......
Raw data on investments here and here from Mida
Sikalang kita kasi tengok lu punya Fedeler Opposition performance
Apa jadi 2009? Apa pasai itu investment banyak tulun?
Olang hilang confidence sama lu olang ka investment climate manyak cibai?
Gua mau tanya sama lu sinang saja lo....
Apa pasai itu Taib Mahmud manyak jahat punya orang governance macam lancau....tapi investment size lagi besar dari Penang?..kasi discount itu 2007 la...
Atau Itu Kedah tahun 2007 lagi banyak dari lu punya "Governance 3 tahun" punya total?
Atau itu Kilantan gua punya state sudah lama lo.....investment tara naik naik? Apepasai?
Atau itu Perak BN lagi banyak dari lu punya "DAP" state? 2008-2009 sap sap soi punya kira la beng
Gua manyak pusing lo? Kipala pining.........ini balu 4 tahun analisis...belum gua lookback lagi manyak tahun
Lim also called on Malaysians not to compromise on corruption and said that the RM888 illegal money outflow between 2000 to 2008 reported by US-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity was shocking.
He said this meant each citizen had lost RM33,000 each in that period.
“While our Royal Malaysian Navy commandos are heroes for their successful capture of Somali pirates, DAP regrets that land ‘pirates’ are allowed to roam freely in Malaysia,” he said.
Wah lau weh......
Kita punya Navy pun lu mau kasi masuk lu punya statement ka....
Lu sudah baca itu leport ka?
Itu leport estimate ma?
Lu mau tau siapa itu pirate ka....
Kasi baca saya punya kawan itu blogger manyak macho hishamh...tara kencing punya olang loh...
For the BOP data, I think you could make a strong case that part of it is legitimate outward investment, however desirable or undesirable that circumstance might be for the domestic economy. The methodology used for this is a residual calculation, i.e. everything that’s not actually categorised, which makes value-laden labels such as “illicit” a bit of an overkill.
Also bear in mind that the BOP also records non-flows as well e.g. retained earnings from overseas investments which could inflate the flow data, without actually involving actual transfers of money.
These should be almost the same except for CIF costs…but they aren’t even close. There’s a consistent US$10 billion missing here, which is far too much to be explained away by CIF costs (carriage, insurance and freight) or forex adjustment errors, and is fully one third of the annual average estimate made by GFI for trade mispricing.
If this is in fact illicit capital transfers, it represents a way for Malaysians to “smuggle” money into China, and elude two things – first, the requirement for repatriation to Malaysia of trade receipts by Malaysian resident exporters, and second China’s restrictions on capital inflows.
It’s also in my mind that some of this discrepancy might be from intercompany transfer pricing. MNCs dominate Malaysia’s export market and might be manipulating prices charged between country units for tax or other benefits. Obviously, I’ve no way to quantify that. Go here
Lu sikalang kasi check la siapa itu Exporter to China ma....
10 Billion pirate tiap tahun constant ma.........
Tara bole la Lu bikin ini macam beng...satu bulan hancing satu penang lu kencing.......
gua sikalang mau tidor lo...mata sudah ngatuk ma.......
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