Sedih benor bunyinya
Nangis siout.......
Dah kering belum hingus?
Kasi lap sikit....
Let us set the record straight.....
This is why Kit Siang was detained under ISA
And yes your were not on the ground in KL on that ill fated day.....but your actions months before ignited the slow fire that eventually sparked the worst race riot this country has ever seen....
You see folks the same battle cry of First Class and Second Class Malaysian that the country heard in 1968 is now being played by his son....
OK lets play by your logic then as A First Class Citizen of Malaysia I find it strange that the bulk of these 2nd Class citizens after so many years of becoming "Malaysian" has very little ability to converse in the National Language.....
Bak kata Bro KijangMas
And in case you forgot how much value you put to the National Language of Your Country
If our beloved National Language is only considered as No 2 in your Malaysian Malaysia Framework of wonder you consider yourselves as Second Class Citizens....
Fitnah 13 Mei: Dato Ghani Othman perlu lebih berani, tegas dan serius untuk menolak kempen politik kotor
Saya kesal kerana risalah fitnah kononnya saya menjadi pencetus peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 masih disebarkan tanpa sebarang tindakan tegas daripada pihak berkuasa. Malah sikap tidak serius Dato Abdul Ghani Othman, calon BN yang menjadi saingan saya bagi Parlimen Gelang Patah, membayangkan seolah-olah beliau tidak peduli dengan kempen kotor yang dilakukan oleh pelampau kaum di Johor.
Saya telah beberapa kali meminta Dato Ghani beliau supaya bersama-sama dengan saya untuk memastikan kempen pilihanraya benar-benar bersih dan tidak dicemarkan oleh penipuan dan pembohongan. Sebagai bekas Menteri Besar yang lama berkhidmat, beliau tentu faham betapa pentingnya untuk mengamalkan kempen PRU yang bersih. Fitnah 13 Mei terhadap saya bukan sahaja kejam dan keji di sepanjang kempen PRU ini tetapi ia juga akan memberi kesan buruk kepada hubungan antara kaum selepas selesai PRU. Ini adalah kerana ia berasaskan pembohongan dan penipuan semata-mata.
Dato Ghani Othman perlu lebih berani, tegas dan serius untuk menolak kempen politik kotor ini. Malah Dato Ghani sebagai seorang pemimpin yang sederhana serta bijak dalam bidang akademik sepatutnya lebih sedar tentang sejarah Malaysia. Beliau sepatutnya tahu bahawa saya tidak terlibat sama sekali dengan peristiswa 13 Mei 1969. Saya tidak berada di Kuala Lumpur pada waktu itu kerana saya berada di Sabah pada 13 Mei 1969 untuk membantu kempen calon-calon Bebas yang sama prinsip perjuangan dengan DAP. Rekod tentang perkara ini ada dalam simpanan pihak polis dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Pihak berkuasa tidak pernah melibatkan saya dengan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969. Malah tuduhan terhadap saya di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) pada 1969 TIDAK ada kena-mengena dengan tragedi 13 Mei 1969.
Kempen busuk dan keji terhadap saya ini hanya memalukan budaya dan amalan orang Johor. Saya yakin pengundi-pengundi Johor sudah sedar tentang propaganda palsu yang telah menuduh DAP sebagai parti cauvinis. Ini adalah satu pembohongan. Sejak ditubuhkan 47 tahun lalu, DAP berjuang semata-mata untuk kepentingan rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum dan agama. Kerana perjuangan inilah saya dan ramai pemimpin DAP yang lain telah ditahan tanpa bicara di bawah ISA secara zalim dan kejam.
Jika Dato Ghani sudah lupa tentang perjuangan DAP, saya ingin membantu beliau mengingati apa yang kami perjuangkan selama ini. Antara prinsip-prinsip asas DAP adalah: Berjuang menerusi cara-cara berPerlembagaan untuk menubuhkan satu masyarakat bercorak demokrasi sosial; Memelihara negara Malaysia yang demokratik berasaskan hak mengundi dewasa sejagat rakyat Malaysia; Menghapuskan ketidakseimbangan ekonomi dan peluang dalam sistem sedia ada; mewujudkan ekonomi yang memberikan peluang pekerjaan kepada seluruh rakyat dan pulangan ekonomi setimpal dengan usaha dan kemahiran mereka; Memastikan kehidupan yang memuaskan dan keselamatan sosial kepada golongan tua dan kurang upaya; dan Menyemai semangat perpaduan negara, bermaruah dan berdikari di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dan menggalakkan mereka dengan perasaan untuk berikhtiar dalam mewujudkan satu masyarakat yang makmur, stabil dan saksama. Semoga Dato Ghani faham dan akur tentang perjuangan DAP yang dipenuhi dengan duri, darah dan air mata. Semoga beliau berusaha lebih keras untuk memastikan kempen PRU kali ini benar-benar bersih dan bebas daripada fitnah.(here)
Nangis siout.......
Dah kering belum hingus?
Kasi lap sikit....
Let us set the record straight.....
This is why Kit Siang was detained under ISA
Since July, 1968, you, Lim Kit Siang, have been acting in a manner prejudicial to the maintenance of public order in Malaysia in that in the several speeches you have made since the date you have deliberately and intentionally roused intense communal feelings thereby promoting feelings of hostility between different races in Malaysia and causing suspicion and disunity to grow between them.
1) On the 27th July 1968, at a DAP public rally at Tanjong Malim, Perak, you deliberately distorted the Government policy on Education by telling your audience that the policy was designed to achieve and eventual extermination of Chinese newspapers, Chinese schools and Chinese languages. Such distortion was made by you with the deliberate intention of creating and furthering suspicion and animosity between the Chinese and the Malay in this country.
2) On the 24th August 1968, at a public rally at Slim River, Perak, you deliberately distorted the Government’s policy on language by telling your audience that a tourist poster with the Malay wordings “speak the National language only” clearly illustrated the one language policy of the government and that the dubbing of English, Chinese and Tamil T.V. films with Malay was unfair to the other races as their languages were not being given equal status such distortion was made by you with the deliberate intention of creating and furthering suspicion and animosity between the Chinese and the Malays in this country.
3) On the 7th September 1968, at the DAP public rally at 24 milestone, Sg. Besi road, Kuala Lumpur, and on 21st. September 1968, at Sungei Way new Village Selangor, on both these occasions you deliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the MCA had instead of striving for the rights of the Chinese Language and Education in fact assisted the government in suppressing the Chinese Language as evidenced by the Non-recognition of Nanyang University project. The speeches are evidence of a deliberate misinterpretation of actual facts and had resulted in generating suspicion and animosity between the Malays and the Chinese in Malaysia and thereby creating a feeling of tension and racial hatred.
4) On the 29th September 1968, at the DAP public rally at Batu Pahat, Johore, on 2nd November 1968, at Lawan Kuda Bahru, Gopeng, Perak, and on 26th January 1969, at Jalan Yow, Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, on these three occasions you deliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the alliance’s policy was a “racialist policy” as the Alliance had given more privileges to Bumiputras in University education and that there were first and second class citizens – the Bumiputras being first class citizens, and that the awards of honour such as P.P.M, are not worth anything because they were given to men in the streets and that P.P.M. stands for “ PELAN PELAN MATI”. By these utterances you had deliberately distorted the actual Government policies and by doing so you had generated racial tension, hatred and disharmony in the country.
5) On 12th, Feb 1969, at a DAP public rally held at Jalan Lengkongan Brunei, Kuala Lumpur, youdeliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the Government was showing discrimination between the various races in examination entry to University of Malaya, employment and in the distribution of land and that special privileges were being given to the Malays. By these utterances you deliberately distorted the Government policies and thereby causing suspicion and animosity between the various races.
6) On 13th May 1969, at a public rally held at Kampong Ayer, Kota Kinabalu, you deliberately roused intense communal feelings by telling your audience that the Government was trying to have a Malay Malaysia by dividing the people into bumiputras and non-bumiputras, that “the Malays were first class Bumiputras” and that the Government was carrying out a policy of “Malaysiation” of Sabah whereby all top post were held by the Malays. You also stirred anti-Malay and anti-Islamic religious feelings by telling your audience that the Government was pursuing the policy of exploitation by Malays of other races and that the Government by holding an International Islamic Conference in Kuala Lumpur had intended to send Malaysian citizens to die in the Middle East in order to capture Jerusalem for the Muslim World. By this speech you had made dangerous statements of a communal nature there by fostering communal resentment fear and apprehension amongst sections of the public in Sabah.
By direction,
DATE: 11 JULY 1969
And yes your were not on the ground in KL on that ill fated day.....but your actions months before ignited the slow fire that eventually sparked the worst race riot this country has ever seen....
You see folks the same battle cry of First Class and Second Class Malaysian that the country heard in 1968 is now being played by his son....
OK lets play by your logic then as A First Class Citizen of Malaysia I find it strange that the bulk of these 2nd Class citizens after so many years of becoming "Malaysian" has very little ability to converse in the National Language.....
Bak kata Bro KijangMas
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Source here |
And in case you forgot how much value you put to the National Language of Your Country
The DAP advocates a ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ education policy, which will permit the different language-media schools to grow and develop, so that every Malaysian child can choose in what language he wants to be taught and educated – while all learning Malay as a compulsory second language. (here)
If our beloved National Language is only considered as No 2 in your Malaysian Malaysia Framework of wonder you consider yourselves as Second Class Citizens....