“In my mind, a fundamental milestone for the government in the effort to achieve a high income nation status is to eradicate the obstacles to a long overdue, vibrant democracy. More democracy equals more and faster economic growth.
“We have no reason not to eradicate obstacles to democracy, after 53 years of independence,” she said. Go here
Hang on a minute Adik oi......
Fundamental Milestone? Not only more......lu siap main selit aje FASTER
Lu biar serious.....
In essence this girl is trying to venture into a very classical social economic theory debate that started in 17th Century when Thomas Hobbes wrote the Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil
In general there are 3 sides to the debate
- Democracy promotes Economic Growth
- Democracy hinders Economic Growth
- Democracy has No Effect on Economic Growth
Countless of Research efforts have gone into the debate, below a summary by Charles Kurzman, Regina Werum, and Ross E. Burkhart go here
I would not go into details but suffice to say that in Emerging Economies the output of many research analysis on the subject is that Democracy DOES NOT significantly Contribute to Economic Growth, in most cases the result is mixed with some negative results. (Sebenornya gua malas...buang karan aje)
I still wonder what she means by Vibrant Democracy?
Is it ala PKR Election?
Is it Street Democracy as how her Father had advocated in the 70's and late 90's?
In most research there is a variable called Civil Unrest.......why don't you go and calculate how much that has affected the Inflows of Foreign Investment into Malaysia or even its impact on Domestic Investment......
Adik oi..........
Vibrant(More) Democracy does not equal more and faster economic growth
It's High Quality Education, Eradication (Zero Tolerance) of Corruption, Judicious enforcement of the Rule of Law and a Pro-Growth (Pro-Investment) Economic Policies by the Government in a Politically Stable Country....... all of which can exist in Less Democratic Regimes.......
These are the true Fundamental Variables.......
Is this your level of reasoning sampai mau challenge for a Public Debate on Affirmative Action?
Betul Lu berani.......
Cuba lu bukak buku dulu on Social Economic Theory....
nurazri · 666 weeks ago
Apa pun, aku nak sgt si pengkomen2 bodoh dkt sini kena tangkap based on this new act.
msleepyhead · 666 weeks ago
was it you or was it a glitch in the system?
satD 93p · 666 weeks ago
tech glitch by Intense Debate http://blog.intensedebate.com/2012/02/23/importan...
I upgraded according to their instruction n all comments gone. Its a shame cause I really treasure the comment section. Tried contacting them, it seems not just my site quite a number of sites affected
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