Monday, April 26, 2010

The Mathematics of Malaysian Political "Capital"

Each time there is an election .....suddenly "development" money appears.....out of where?

And for those with limited funding you'll be faced with a situation similar to a poker call......

Say the other side "commits" either up the bet or just call the kencing with a poker face....but is not a single's a multi game and the winner is only decided after the time allocated to kencing everyone is up.........

Then the observers/voter or the house makes a decision via a "secret" ballot on who's kencing they want to minum....

gulp gulp........... ahhh......kasi pangkah the one who can "deliver" at the same time take the baits or chips which have been thrown against the house.....

The best part is the house always wins either way......

Let us now look at the typical chips that these kaki kencings use.....

  1. Basic Infrastructure Development - you name it new roads, longkangs, water, electricity, traffic lights dan lain lain... 
  2. The Racial Chips- Education budget for Sekolah Jenis Jenis Haram, Land Award to build Sekolah haram, race based land allocation
  3. Last minute super efficient problem solving activities: Citizenships, Monetary Rewards for Private Sector Disputes that requires Govt Intervention....
  4. Large Scale Corporate Projects typically involving GLC's.....
Marvellous ..........dari nombor satu sampai nombor empat............everything can suddenly happen in a period of 2 weeks..........

Feel free to add to the list folks.... key concern is that voters in the areas with poor development will have a higher incentive of KILLING their current elected representatives in order to get access to No 1 to 4........(folks let me know if you need some santau services from Bomoh Indonesia...1 year Money Back Guarantee)

If you noticed no 1 to 4 are normally used for area specific political capital investment/baits to solicit support...seldom National Level Policies are being put on the table......those are reserved for the bigger games in the PRU's...........

I personally don't give a shit for no 1, 3 and 4 as I feel every area should have the right development budget to develop our nation in general and problems should be resolved immediately irrespective of whether there is an election coming....but when it comes to No 2 ..........something just don't make any sense at all........this is a National Level Issue that every side of the divide will want to the risk of further polarising our already delicate race relation...... 

A regular on my site the extremely ultra macho Mr DingDong said this in my previous post..

I bet 60% of Malay voters will vote for SSS if it is included in Manifesto of PRU13..That is enuf to form a healthy majority Gov.I will buy the jack up price of last minute airline ticket just to vote for SSS..There is many way to preserve chinese/indian identity other than vernacular schools..Non Malay always say many policies are racist but when it comes to their racist schools they swallow their spit instantly..MCA says that the DJZ unified exam certificate is close to approval by cabinet.MCA will always use this line.Approve anything from the top ten list by DJZ and Chinese NGOs.It will turn into votes in PRU.But how come since 30 years ago majority of Chinese votes is always anti establishment?MCA & DAP is the same side of the of the same coin..

Not long after.....I saw Brehim Ali statement in the news.....

“It is necessary for the government to delay any allocation and approval of projects for the Chinese community,” said Ibrahim in a statement responding to the by-election result.
The truth is DingDong and is the very formula of Consociational Democracy that needs to be fixed....I wrote about it sometime ago..... you may read it here

“Consociationalism guarantees that each ethnic group would share political power and constrains the elite of those different groups to govern together. Consociationalism is therefore a powerful means for protecting minorities and for imposing accommodation at the political level. However, consociationalism suffers of schizophrenia: if consociation compels political elites to find a compromise between the demands of ethnic groups, it does not give group leaders any incentive to adopt a moderate discourse on ethnic questions. On the contrary, in order to obtain the support of their electorate, leaders must adopt an aggressive attitude.”-Laurent De Brey

So where does all of these lead us to?

Just look at Najib's poker game according to autabelits of Malaysian Insider

Najib had called the country’s 10th by-election a referendum of his year-long leadership but he took to the campaign in the last three days and promised election goodies, including the RM3 million aid to rebuild the Rasa school.
If we win this by-election, you can come to Kuala Lumpur the next day to look for me. I will write a personal letter to approve the money and it will be transferred to the school board’s account. If we lose, don’t have to come,” Najib had said.

What the fuck? Did he actually said that?

Every single politician knows that blardy thing is a hot potato.........panas sangat ke pakcik?

Lets find out........way back in 1969 the supreme racist of Malaysia said this

On May 10, when the voters go to cast their votes, they will also decide whether they endorse the ‘one nation, one language’ education policy of the exponents of a Malay Malaysia, and Indonesia Malaysia or the education policy of the advocates of Malaysian Malaysia.
The Alliance, through Mr. Koh Kim Leng’s Abdul Rahman Talib Education Report of 1960, has declared unequivocally that the Alliance want to close down all Chinese, Tamil and English schools, both at primary and secondary levels, and convert them into purely Malay schools.
The Party Rakyat’s education policy is exactly the same as the Alliance’s ‘one nation, one language’ education policy. The Party Rakyat in fact fully supports Mr. Koh Kim Leng’s Abdul Rahman Talib Education Report.
In its 1969 General Elections Manifesto, the Party Rakyat declared that they want “an education system with Malay as the main medium, use Malay as a medium for as many subjects as possible, abolish the teaching of English as a subject at primary level, encourage the learning of languages of the people, provide other international and scientific languages like French, Russian, German and Chinese as subjects at secondary level.”

Clearly, in the eyes of the Party Rakyat, the Chinese language comes well after French, Russian and German languages! In other words, the Party Rakyat will not agree to the teaching of Chinese language in secondary schools until and unless Russian, French and German languages are taught.

It is very clear that the Party Rakyat will oppose the Chinese language being used, not only as a media of instruction in schools, but as a media of examination as well.

The Party Rakyat stands fully behind the Alliance’s education policy, as expressed in Mr.Koh Kim Leng’s Abdul Rahman Talib Education Report, to destroy Chinese, Tamil and English schools. Both the Rakyat and the Alliance want only Malay schools to exist in the country. Both also oppose Chinese becoming an official language.

A vote therefore for either the Alliance and the Party Rakyat is a vote for the destruction of Chinese, Tamil and English schools.

At the same time he sempat selit this seditious line also...

The DAP advocates a ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ education policy, which will permit the different language-media schools to grow and develop, so that every Malaysian child can choose in what language he wants to be taught and educated – while all learning Malay as a compulsory second languageRead more here 
Well we all know what happened 3 days after....rite.....

For those who plan to rebut me on the fact that SRJK is the final bastion of Chinese Culture read this first

If you have......jangan malas wahai Ahbeng-ahbeng sekalian..... you'll notice that I've asked a couple of  questions in that post.....

  1. Can someone learn Culture without Learning the Language of the native people in which the Culture originates from?
  2. Or can someone learn a language without absorbing the Cultural aspects of the Language?
  3. And more importantly will learning other subjects in another language (The National Language of The Land!) together with specific language subjects dedicated to the learning of “bahasa ibunda” create significant decay in one’s understanding or absorption of one’s own culture.
  4. Talking about culture, what is this Malaysian Culture that our Educators must deliver in preparing our young ones for life in Malaysia? What are its core Values?

I shall leave this post where my old post noone was able to provide an answer.....

But before I end do have a look at our National Cultural Policy

Dengan yang demikian, sebagai satu proses yang berterusan, penwujudan Kebudayaan Kebangsaan Malaysia akan terus berlandaskan unsur-unsur dan tiga prinsip yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan sebagai Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan iaitu:
(i) Berteraskan kepada Kebudayaan Rakyat Asal rantau ini yang merangkumi kawasan Malaysia, Indonesia, Filipina, Singapura, Brunei, Thailand dan Kampuchea serta Kepulauan Selatan Pasifik (Polynesia, Melanesia dan Oceania) sehingga Malagasi adalah merupakan bahagian utama dari kawasan tamadun atau budaya Melayu. Rantau ini merupakan pusat pemancaran, pengembangan dan warisan Kebudayaan Melayu sejak zaman berzaman dan ditandai pula oleh kegemilangan dan keagungan tamadun Melayu yang berpusat di Melaka yang menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa perhubungan antarabangsa (linguafranca). Kebudayaan serantau ini digambarkan oleh persamaan-persamaan di bidang bahasa yang berasaskan keluarga bahasa Melayu - Austronesia, kedudukan geografi, pengalaman sejarah, kekayaan alam, kesenian dan nilai-nilai keperibadiannya. Budaya Melayu pada hari ini merupakan cara hidup, lambang identiti dan asas ukuran keperibadian kepada lebih 200 juta umat manusia yang menuturkan satu rumpun bahasa yang sama. Dengan yang demikian, kebudayaan rakyat asal rantau ini dalam pengertian sempit atau luasnya kebudayaan Melayu telah dijadikan teras kepada Kebudayaan Kebangsaan.
(ii) Unsur-unsur Kebudayaan Lain Yang Sesuai dan Wajar boleh diterima Kebudayaan sebagai sesuatu yang dinamik, sentiasa berubah-ubah melalui proses penyerapan dan penyesuaian secara berterusan. Prinsip ini bertepatan dengan situasi penduduk berbilang kaum yang mewarisi pelbagai budaya. Dengan itu unsur-unsur budaya Cina, India Arab, Barat dan lain-lain yang sesuai dan wajar diberi penimbangan dan penerimaan dalam pembentukan Kebudayaan Kebangsaan. Kesesuaian penerimaan dalam penyerapan ini adalah bergantung kepada tidak wujudnya percanggahan dengan Perlembagaan dan prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara dan kepentlngan nasional serta asas-asas moral dan kerohanian sejagat pada amnya dan pada Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara khasnya.
(iii) Islam Menjadi Unsur Yang Penting Dalam Pembentukan Kebudayaan Kebangsaan - Agama atau kepercayaan kepada Tuhan merupakan unsur penting dalam proses pembangunan negara serta pembentukan rakyat yang berakhlak dan berperibadi mulia. Agama Islam memberi panduan kepada manusia dalam mengimbang dan memadukan usaha bagi mengisi kehendak-kehendak emosi dan fizikal dan kerana itu patut menjadi unsur yang penting dalam pembentukan Kebudayaan Kebangsaan memandangkan kedudukannya sebagai agama rasmi negara, di samping telah wujudnya fakta sejarah dan nilai-nilai Islam yang telah sedia didukung oleh sebahagian besar rakyat rantau ini. Ketiga-tiga prinsip asas di atas adalah melambangkan penerimaan gagasan Kongres Kebudayaan Kebangsaan 1971.
By the way Jib how does your 1whatever fits with our National Cultural Policy?
Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. -Lord Thomas Dewer