Monday, February 9, 2009

Lousy Gambler

Do you bet big or bet small?

Especially after you feel like you are on a roll…….

Most people would look at their chips, do I have enough? Should I just roll on further or bail out……

Say you bet…..and you bet BIG……everyone was so "sure" that you are gonna win….warning signs were everywhere…….the house was in a riot…… the dice rolled….hopeful faces…..a five came… needed a nine to win… LOST…..and scream that the table was not flat………

Everyone looked at the table and agreed that somehow the house had an added advantage against you….

Months later….you suddenly feel the urge to bet again……not that you’ve got that many chips left…so you go to a smaller table……you try your luck again…excited after seeing someone else winning at another smaller table…..maybe lady luck is back in town….maybe this will be it, the critical trigger point where the house will lose…… so you whack….. put everything you got…if you lose you already know what your next course of action will be……….go for the table, the dealer and the casino… least go out with a BANG……..

YB Karpal Singh, A BIG THANK YOU for your recently acquired wisdom.(But I still think that you are one kurang ajar dude)

You deserve a slow clap the next time you appear in Parliament…..and for your LAST STEPS out of Perak

This is the best welcome home gift I’ve ever received….…Alhamdullilah.

Ahh…before I forget again(this seems to be my favorite line these days) Lousy Gambler also tried to GAMBLE big time in 1998…..he shorted stocks and wanted to take over a large part of KLSE… some of you would be wondering how in the world does satD knows.....maybe he's lying.....worry not the blogspace code of conduct have just been written...if u kencing just do a Dear should be perfectly fine.......

If any of you start to demand proof of the above paragraph......i say hold one let us not wonder into a 10 ringgit statutory declaration soap opera. I do not plan to go to ISA by publishing any “supporting” documents folks…..that bit part I leave to Lousy Gambler Greatest Cheerleader.

Instead lets have a tea party folks….anybody got a teapot?

This is gonna be sooooooo much fun!!!!!
Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. -Lord Thomas Dewer