Fucking Cinions.....look at them
Giler buruk perangai doe...
Ada jugak yang semangat kental..sanggup beratur macam negara Komunis
Interesting species these Cinions.... Predatory in every aspects....
Semua telan....budak mati dalam perut pun dia sanggup makan....gua tak kasi link la...ngeri siot...
Anyway of late gua tengok Cinions Cinions semua makin kurang ajar....
Lu pehal? Betul lu brani ke?
Lu orang giler buruk siot... Gua tengok Apek2 keliling ASEAN jauh lagi cun dari lu orang semua...
Dah la fugly perangai macam sial....
Silap baka la kut yang turun Tongkang duu la kut....
Talking about this turun tongkang thing..
I once build a graph to show how many actually turun naik Tongkang kat Singapore...
Malaya: Annual data for Indian immigration and emigration exist from 1880 onwards and are accurate because of the Malayan government's role in bringing Indian workers to Malaya. Unskilled laborers from the subcontinent constituted the great bulk of the Malayan traffic, but the published data also include an unknown number of other Indians such as merchants traveling between the two countries. Until the 1930s, when demand for labor on rubber estates declined sharply, non-laborers were a small proportion of the Indian totals (Sandhu, 1969, pp. 95-125). Data source: Saw, 1970, p. 52. Almost all Chinese immigrants to Malaya first landed at Singapore. Beginning in 1881, records of Chinese examined at the port by its officials, by health officers or by the Chinese Protectorate (a government department set up to safeguard Chinese welfare) provide a reliable measure of annual immigrant inflows. But no statistics for Chinese emigration were kept before 1916, and until 1930 include only Chinese deck passengers departing from Singapore. Beginning in 1931 data are for deck passengers leaving all Malayan ports (in effect Penang as well as Singapore) and suggest understatement in the 1916-1930 departure figures. For 1911-1915 Chinese emigration from Malaya was estimated as 400,000 (Malaya, 1932, p. 113) and data for 1930-1939 refer to 1930-1938 only. Data sources: Straits Settlements,1881-1938 (from this source see years 1881-1911 immigration reports; Secretary for Chinese Affairs for 1930-1938; Progress of the People of the Straits Settlements for 1934-1938); Malaya, 1921, p. 21 and 1932, p. 113.
Source (here) Globalization and Labor Market Integration in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Asia
Giler banyak Cinions siot...9,694,362 Cinions masuk from 1880 to 1939...
Data keluar tak boleh harap tak tahu mana Cinions sudah pergi....
Ni manual data bukan ada some biometric shit going on...
Some local kerani shit work bagi 30posen boleh seludup 5 kapal Cinions...
Anyway look at the impact of Cinions migration to our population composition...
No doubt they were also inflows from the Regional Malays into the territory...
Tapi lain siot...
Most Regional Malays would tunduk to the Kerajaan....unlike u isolated imported laborers and opportunistic capitalist class.....
Lu orang siap bawak naik bendera Motherland tu be zaman dulu beb..
Tak bole belah la itu macam
Sampai sekarang perangai turun tongsan...
Tak payah pergi jauh la brader...
PADA 19 Julai 2013, Dong Zong dan Jiao Zong (Dong Jiao Zong), dalam sidang akhbarnya di ibu negara, menolak keputusan Kementerian Pendidikan untuk menambah masa pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) Bahasa Melayu (BM) dan Bahasa Inggeris (BI) di SJKC. Peraturan baru yang melibatkan pelajar Tahun Empat, Lima dan Enam itu, dikatakan tidak sesuai untuk dilaksanakan di SJKC. Persoalan saya, siapakah mereka? Adakah mereka ini kerajaan? Isu ini telah dibawa berbincang sekian lama, kerajaan telah membuat keputusan, tetapi tidak pernah ada penyelesaian kerana terus menerus ditentang oleh kumpulan ultra kiasu ini. Apa jua usaha kerajaan untuk penambahbaikan dan memartabatkan BM di SJKC dilihat menggugat bahasa Cina (BC). Akhirnya, kita pun mengalah. Maka tidak hairan, kumpulan pendidik Cina mahukan Kementerian Pendidikan mengkaji semula peraturan baru mengenai waktu P&P BM dan BI di SJKC, yang akan bermula tahun depan. Saya boleh bersetuju jika SJKC berada di negara China. Malangnya, SJKC berada di Malaysia. Suka atau tidak, SJKC mesti menjunjung Perlembagaan negara. Selaku bapa kepada anak yang berada di SJKC, saya gembira dengan peraturan ini. Laksanakanlah. Untuk makluman, di bawah peraturan baru ini, waktu pembelajaran BM akan meningkat daripada 80 minit seminggu kepada 270 minit seminggu, manakala bagi BI dari 120 minit kepada 150 minit dan Bahasa Mandarin dikekalkan pada 300 minit. Justeru, apa masalahnya? -Riduan TeeTheir standard position on this is that Malaysia got Multi Tongsan Education System ma...must give diversity and ensure continued funding from tax payers
Giler parah doe!!
Sampai Din pun dah tanye sebelum gua...bila mau cameo Iklan Raya (here)?
Anyway back to em Cinions....
Mau tanya sikit Pek.......sampai bila lu mau hidup isolated in your own ethnic enclave?
Kasi cilok satu data ...gua mau lu pikir
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Source UNESCO (here) |
"High Percentage of Citizens who could not communicate in the National Language"
Let me guess would that be the Boyans masuk lepas menyebarang lautan landing kat Port Kelang?
Or those turun tongkangs crowd?
Fast forward 2013
Kalau kasi taruk Cinions as a column in the table how would the number be?
Problem is rather inherited to some extent....
Tak percaya?
Kasi tengok Intel Report
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Lu Bodo ke Pek? So sensitif one?
Get real mother fuckers...even you hate the recently turun tongkang Motherland Cinions
Ching Chong Ching Chong 24 jam...
Sampai sekarang macam alergic dengan our National Language and Culture....
The thing is.... there is a huge barrier between us I wrote about it once
There is a major Cultural, Linguistic and Religious Barrier that will block the Unity within the Class Dimension and as long as the Government has the Economic capacity to ensure that the Economic Gaps are managed we should be OK. (here)
This barrier will remain and be disguised under our "Diversity"
Promoted and championed by the Government of the Day....
Now that these barrier is being pricked....let us see how we all fare....
Day in Day Out....we hear issues involving Race and Religion being debated intensely in the public domain...
Bila cakap pasal language aje terus melenting panggil orang Racist pastu tuduh mau hapus lu punya Ching Chong....
Trend mutakhir dalam masyarakat hari ini semakin membimbangkan terutama dalam konteks hubungan antara kaum sehingga menimbulkan isu polarisasi, kata Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Beliau berkata masyarakat hari ini dilihat mudah sensitif sehingga usaha baik yang dirancang oleh kerajaan dianggap negatif dan dijadikan isu yang menyentuh perkauman seperti apa yang berlaku terhadap Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan 2013-2025 (PIPP). "Saya dimaklumkan perhimpunan konvensyen yang dibuat oleh Dong Zhong semalam membuat resolusi untuk menghalang apa yang kita buat dalam PIPP, yang dibentuk untuk memajukan sektor pendidikan. "Ia (PIPP) dirancang dengan niat yang baik, bagaimanapun ia dilihat berbaur perkauman...13 tahun (pelaksanaan PIPP) dilihat sebagai usaha menghapuskan bahasa ibunda mereka," Muhyidin Yassin (here)Sounds pretty familliar actually
Speech by DAP Organising Secretary and Parliamentary Candidate for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the third DAP General Elections Public Rally in Malacca at Long Chan Bros. (Pengkalan Rama Pantai) Malacca on Sunday, 13th April 1969 at 9p.m. In fact, tonight I ACCUSE MR. KOH KIM LENG AS ONE OF THE ARCHITECTS OF THE ALLIANCE POLICY TO SUPPRESS AND DESTROY CHINESE LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION IN MALAYSIA. In 1960, Mr. Koh Kim Leng co-authored with Abdul Rahman Talib to produce notorious and obnoxious Abdul Rahman Talib Education Report, which is today’s the Alliance blueprint to destroy Chinese Language and education in Malaysia. (here)Tongsan mentality doe....
I wonder where we are heading?
To understand better...best to bring back the J-Curve....
In 2006 Political Scientist Ian Bremmer came out with the J Curve analysis. Bremmer's J Curve describes the relationship between a country's openness and its stability; focusing on the notion that while many countries are stable because they are open (the United States, France, Japan), others are stable because they are closed (North Korea, Cuba, Iraq under Saddam Hussein). According to Bremmer, a government's motivations differ dramatically depending on where they fall on the J curve The x-axis of the political J-Curve graph measures the 'openness' (of freedom) of the State in question and the y-axis measures the stability of that same state. It suggests that those states that are 'closed'/undemocratic/unfree (such as the Communist dictatorships of China and Cuba) are very stable; however, as one progresses right, along the x-axis, it is evident that stability (for relatively short period of time in the lengthy life of nations) decreases, creating a dip in the graph, until beginning to pick up again as the 'openness' of a state increases; at the other end of the graph to closed states are the open states of the West, such as the United States of America or the United Kingdom. Thus, a J-shaped curve is formed. States can travel both forward (right) and backwards (left) along this J-curve, and so stability and openness are never secure. The J is steeper on the left hand side, as it is easier for a leader in a failed state to create stability by closing the country than to build a civil society and establish accountable institutions; the curve is higher on the far right than left because states that prevail in opening their societies (Eastern Europe, for example) ultimately become more stable than authoritarian regimes. Bremmer's entire curve can shift up or down depending on economic resources available to the government in question.
If we were to plot some key events in Malaysia over the years on the J-Curve it would roughly look like this....
Where exactly are we now?
I think bro KijangMas kinda sums it up with his latest FB
Ok people, I've seen and heard enough. Pilotless Malaysia is fast hurtling into the abyss of a failed state. The minorities have morphed into uncontrollable tyrannical little racist piglets; the hitherto majority is hopelessly divided, having reverted big time and fallen prey to their intrinsic weakness of tamak haloba, hasad dengki, kafir mengkafir, berpecah-belah, berpuak-puak, fitnah memfitnah, cah keting .... the works.
The government is clueless .... paralysed by weakness and stupidity made worst by the day by psychotic, equally clueless overpaid advisers and charlatans. The opposition is no better, stuck in their cesspool of treacherous anti-national, anti-Malay, anti-Muslim stance sanctioned by idiotic self-immolating mullahs and emboldened by a freakish chameleonic trickster of low moral character who wants to be PM at all cost.
Transformasi ... Reformasi ... Manipulasi ... Wang Kasi ... Muka Kasi ... Cerita Dah Basi ................. semua tak boleh pakai !
Time to go back to the drawing board. Back to square one. Reset to Year Zero of a new Malaysia. Time to review and reconfigure our nation building blueprint. DN will begin to address these building blocks as we jointly strive to rebuilt a new, cohesive, confident, re-invigorated nation -- Malaysia 2.0
Step One of our national cleansing: Selamat Tinggal Ah Jib Gor. And please gendong Sotongmuddin on the way out too. Thanks. (here)Interesting proposition....guess the knives are out this time around....let us see how he plays his card on this one....
But folks we must ask ourselves how do we ride the J?