Semenjak beberapa tahun ke belakang ini....kita semua boleh chill out pakai seluar pendek pegang telur and still be in a ceramah ugama .....thanks to Youtube and pokcik mokcik semangat lebe kasi share kat orang punye timeline.....
I've seen some pretty mengarut things .........Ustad tu la Ustad ni la....Hadith kencing toksah nak cita la beb bersepah the Orientalist are chillin out watching the Muslim trampling all over trying to figure out mana yang betul mana yang merepek....
As an example take a look at this compilation done by bro Din Turtle on his latest hot piece (here) -Please watch the video till the end before moving on...nanti hilang context pulak
Giler mental doe....
Remember what Hadi said about "Islamic State"
Now allow me to reproduce what Muhammad Assad said about it....
Assad was a Jew trained in the classical hebrew text...who went to the Middle east in the earlier part of the 20th his autobiography and his journey towards Islam here and also check the man out
Very simple about him here
So folks if we were to put up Pok Lebais Lebais from Pas on a scale Vs Assad how would they fare ??
What u think???
What I've done above is to create an Ulamameter which indicate if a "scholar" is considered as boleh pakai with regards to his "opinion" or if his word are completely merepek
On the other axis is their political positioning.....
I've put Assad on the top right as I see him as someone who is politically neutral, totally focused on the Ummah instead of power and have used his God given talent to the propagation of Islam.....Lots of Ustad are in that category......before long the Political parties starts to court them.....
Look at our very own Azhar Idrus...
I always tot that he was "independent" and then this news came out in Harakah..
Anyway...on the bottom left is none other than the MurshiDOL Am PAS....the one and only Nik Aziz Nik I need to write about why he is on the bottom left?
Anyway folks I tweeted this last nite in case u've missed it.....
The link I provided is the Umar Series (a 30 episode about Umar Farouk, our 2nd Khalifah)
Do spend some time with your family and friends to watch won't regret pass this to your Non Muslim friends as well ....especially all those yang sembah Allah Ciplak...who knows terbukak hati batu mereka........
If they are still sesat then ask them to have a read at this particular Surah ....The House of Imran...
Below an introduction by Assad
Cakap lu sembah Allah....cuba baca apa Allah cakap pasal lu punya agama sesat doe....
I've seen some pretty mengarut things .........Ustad tu la Ustad ni la....Hadith kencing toksah nak cita la beb bersepah the Orientalist are chillin out watching the Muslim trampling all over trying to figure out mana yang betul mana yang merepek....
As an example take a look at this compilation done by bro Din Turtle on his latest hot piece (here) -Please watch the video till the end before moving on...nanti hilang context pulak
Giler mental doe....
Remember what Hadi said about "Islamic State"
Now allow me to reproduce what Muhammad Assad said about it....
![]() |
Source here |
Assad was a Jew trained in the classical hebrew text...who went to the Middle east in the earlier part of the 20th his autobiography and his journey towards Islam here and also check the man out
Very simple about him here
So folks if we were to put up Pok Lebais Lebais from Pas on a scale Vs Assad how would they fare ??
What u think???
What I've done above is to create an Ulamameter which indicate if a "scholar" is considered as boleh pakai with regards to his "opinion" or if his word are completely merepek
On the other axis is their political positioning.....
I've put Assad on the top right as I see him as someone who is politically neutral, totally focused on the Ummah instead of power and have used his God given talent to the propagation of Islam.....Lots of Ustad are in that category......before long the Political parties starts to court them.....
Look at our very own Azhar Idrus...
I always tot that he was "independent" and then this news came out in Harakah..
KUALA TERENGGANU: Pemuda PAS Terengganu telah melantik Ustaz Azhar Idrus sebagai duta mereka dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang ini. Menurut laman Buletinonline, Ustaz Azhar (akan) menjadi ‘Duta’ Pemuda PAS di sepanjang (kempen) PRU-13 (here)Mmm......what a waste I tot.....
Anyway...on the bottom left is none other than the MurshiDOL Am PAS....the one and only Nik Aziz Nik I need to write about why he is on the bottom left?
Anyway folks I tweeted this last nite in case u've missed it.....
I don't understand y PAS invoke Allah's name at UBeng's "Islamic" credentials. Watch this n understand Islam better.
— satD (@satD) April 9, 2013
The link I provided is the Umar Series (a 30 episode about Umar Farouk, our 2nd Khalifah)
Do spend some time with your family and friends to watch won't regret pass this to your Non Muslim friends as well ....especially all those yang sembah Allah Ciplak...who knows terbukak hati batu mereka........
If they are still sesat then ask them to have a read at this particular Surah ....The House of Imran...
Below an introduction by Assad
Like the preceding surah, this one begins with the mention of divine revelation and men's reactions to it. In Al-Baqarah the main stress is laid on the contrasting attitudes of those who accept the truth revealed by God and those who reject it; the opening verses of Al-'Imran, on the other hand, refer to the inclination of many misguided believers to interpret the allegorical passages of the Qur'an - and, by implication, of the earlier revealed scriptures as well - in an arbitrary manner, and thus to arrive at esoteric propositions which conflict with the true nature and purpose of the divine message. Since the deification of Jesus by his later followers is one of the most outstanding instances of such an arbitrary interpretation of a prophet's original message, the surah relates the story of Mary and Jesus, as well as of Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist, all of whom belonged to the House of 'Imran. Here the Qur'an takes issue with the Christian doctrine of the divinity of Jesus: he himself is quoted as calling upon his followers to worship God alone; his purely human nature and mortality are stressed again and again; and it is described as "inconceivable that a human being unto whom God had granted revelation, and sound judgment, and prophethood, should thereafter have said unto people, 'Worship me beside God'" (verse 79). The principle of God's oneness and uniqueness and of man's utter dependence on Him is illumined from many angles, and leads logically to the problem of man's faith and to the temptations, arising out of human frailty, to which that faith is continually exposed: and this brings the discourse to the subject of the battle of Uhud - that near-disaster which befell the small Muslim community in the year 3 H., and provided a wholesome, if bitter, lesson for all its future development. More than one-third of Al-'Imran deals with this experience and the many sided moral to be derived from it. (here)
Cakap lu sembah Allah....cuba baca apa Allah cakap pasal lu punya agama sesat doe....
"O followers of earlier revelation! Come unto that tenet which we and you hold in
common that we shall worship none but God, and that we shall not ascribe divinity to aught
beside Him, and that we shall not take human beings for our lords beside God." And if they
turn away, then say: "Bear witness that it is we who have surrendered ourselves unto Him."- 3.64 Ali Imran