KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 8 — Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim alleges that RM1.4 billion has gone missing from the Treasury’s contingency fund, which is for unforeseen federal expenses. He said the Auditor-General had found just RM79.15 million in the fund even though the Government Expenditure Estimates reported that RM1.5 billion had been allocated for that purpose. “Where has the money gone? More seriously, when did it go missing, the RM1.4 billion?” he told reporters in the lobby of Parliament today. “I don’t think the Audit Department (made a mistake). They are more meticulous than that when it comes to accounting.” Anwar (picture) questioned if the “inordinate” 17-day delay between the tabling of Budget 2012 and the Auditor-General’s Report was meant to hide this discrepancy. The annual audit report is usually tabled before the Budget. “Now we are forced to suspect there is some other compelling reason why they chose not to table the audit report at the right time,” Anwar said. Source here
Ni ada sekor lagi bangang
KUALA LUMPUR 8 Nov: Jawatankuasa pemantauan Audit Pakatan Rakyat mendesak Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak menjelaskan kehilangan Wang Luar Jangka atau peruntukan kecemasan Perbendaharaan Negara sebanyak RM1.43 bilion, kata Pengerusinya, Azan Ismail.
Ini kerana katanya, Anggaran Perbelanjaan Persekutuan bagi Kumpulan Wang Luar Jangka setiap tahun sepatutnya sama dengan Laporan Ketua Audit Negara (LKAN), iaitu sebanyak RM1.5 bilion. “Namun, berdasarkan LKAN 2010, jumlah yang dicatatkan hanyalah RM79.14 juta dan jumlah itu berbeza dengan jumlah yang dinyatakan pada Anggaran Perbelanjaan Persekutuan yang jumlahnya mestilah RM1.5 bilion. “Maknanya, berlaku ‘kehilangan’ wang rakyat kira-kira RM1.43 bilion. Dengan itu, kita menuntut penjelasan dari Datuk Najib menjelaskan segera isu ini,” kata Ahli Parlimen Indera Mahkota itu dalam sidang media di Parlimen hari ini. Turut serta, Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Naib Presiden KEADILAN, Tian Chua, Ahli Parlimen Kuala Langat, Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid dan Ahli Parlimen Balik Pulau, Yusmadi Yussoff. Menurut Azan, walaupun artikel 103 Perlembagaan Persekutuan membenarkan menteri membelanjakan Kumpulan Wang Luar Jangka, namun ia mestilah diganti dalam kadar yang paling segera. “Malangnya, sehingga 31 Disember 2010 yang sudah berakhir, jumlah itu tidak digantikan dan kita mahu penjelasan ke mana ‘disembunyikan’ wang rakyat ini kerana ia jelas bertentangan dengan perlembagaan persekutuan artikel 103,” katanya. Dalam sidang media itu, Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat itu turut menunjukan data yang dikutip dari Buku Anggaran Perbelanjaan Persekutuan bagi 2010, 2011 dan 2012 dan LKAN 2010. Source here
Let us look at the data these 2 are talking about
This is the Audit Report
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And this is the "Anggaran" Data 2010 that was Published on 8th September 2011
The inner workings of the Contingency Fund is a mystery to me from an accounting perspective.
By Law the Contingency Fund operates like a Revolving Account refer here clarification by the Deputy Minister of Finance
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Luar Jangka questions seems to be Azan Ismail favorite question in Parliament...just google it folks...
Refer Treasury Guideline on Luar Jangka below
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To be honest I don't know who made the mistake
Going back to Anwar's claim
“I don’t think the Audit Department (made a mistake). They are more meticulous than that when it comes to accounting.”
What do you think folks...
They put a Balance of 1.5 Billion at End of 2009 when the actual Balance as per Government Numbers is only 64.3 Million
They then put in 74.15 at the end of 2010.....
The same number appears as Balance as of 1.1.2011
So within one day 1.4 Billion went "missing" and appeared again in another document...
Go figure....
Kecoh sekampung la lu orang......