Friday, February 5, 2010

Treason Reality TV Style.....

ini satu lagi bingai punye Minister......

banyak Jib lu punya collection orang bingai dalam cabinet.........

Can I apply for a job in the Ministry of least i can try to set the record straight......

First of all selling Confidential Defence Information to a Foreign Government is beyond OSA la pakcik...gua bukan lawyer pun boleh pikir......

This is treason la......... kalu kat Mainland China dah kena tembak....

Senang2 je lu disclose to the media.....

Plus banyak cantik lu mention "certain foreign embassies".....with an "s" tu.....tak tau cover ke to share with us which country.....kasi boikot dia punye product.......

kalu lu sudah tau...first thing you do is set a trap la for these elements....

make sure u get them red-handed......and deport them.....after that you can put a serious watch for all embassy personnel from that "certain foreign embassies"

all of this of-course should be done behind the scenes......

takkan tak pernah tengok spy movie pakcik......nanti gua hantar DVD ciplak from JKT murah giler....7000 ruppiah aje..banyak jual kat supermarket...

gua dengar lu suka pukul orang.......kasi tangkap itu mamat pastu bantai baik la....macam dia berani nak saman lu kan.....tutup aje la mate dia...pastu boleh practise lu punye swing........who knows maybe there's another kid that need some pengajaran from you....

Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. -Lord Thomas Dewer