I just heard that the Sultan of Johor telah mangkat, Al-Fatihah to the family members
I'm quite excited with this post.....semangat nak mampus tapi tak cukup info lagi....so gua bagi sikit kat lu orang
tadi ada satu comment masuk by rsrsqw
Could you please make it known that the Arab Christians no longer use the term "Allah" to describe god in their Bible. Instead they use the generic arabic word "Rabb".
Aik thats new to me......so gua pun macam biasa terus key in on my manteb bangets computer plus some mandrem here and there.......
Ting ting ting.........as always we must go to the beginning....
Arabic Bible translations into Arabic are known from at least 1,000 years ago, firstly of the Jewish Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), then later also of the Christian New Testament.
Medieval Jewish
In the 10th century AD Saadia Gaon wrote a Tafsir, an Arabic translation of the Tanakh with a lengthy commentary. These were written in Hebrew characters (Judeo-Arabic). Much of the commentary is lost, but the translation has survived intact, and even served as part of the liturgy of Yemenite Jews, who read the Torah in the synagogue with each Hebrew verse translated twice: First to the Aramaic targum, and second to Saadia's Tafsir.ChristianIn 1671 the Catholic Church published the whole Bible at Rome. The translation was done under the direction of Sergius Risi, the Catholic Archbishop of Damascus. Francis Britius aided the translation.The most popular translation is the Van Dyck Version, funded by the Syrian Mission and the American Bible Society. The project was the brainchild of Eli Smith, and started around 1847, centered in Beirut. After Eli Smith's death it was completed under the direction of Cornelius Van Allen Van Dyck. Others involved included Nasif al Yaziji, Boutros al Bustani, and Yusuf al-Asir. The New Testament was completed on March 9, 1860, followed by the Tanach on March 10, 1865. About 10 million copies of this version have been distributed since 1865. It has been accepted by the Coptic Church and the Protestant churches. This translation was based mostly on the same Textus Receptus as the King James Version of the Bible, and follows a more literal style of translation. Most printings of the Van Dyck version use the same basic printing plates which have been employed for years (possibly the same plates that were made when the translation was first adopted; maybe somebody can verify that fact). These plates employ the "stacking" version of writing Arabic, in which, for example, letters that precede other specified letters, such as "Jeem," are written vertical to rather than horizontal to that letter. This style of Arabic can be hard to read at times, especially for non-native students of Arabic. More recently, newer printings of the Van Dyck have been made which employ a more common, straightforward Arabic font.Read more here
Let me now introduce Dr Doom......

Dr. Van Dyck was born August 13,1818, in Kinderhook, Columbia County, New York. Mainly self educated by reason of his father’s financial misfortunes, he became a naturalist during adolescence and prepared an herbarium of plants of his native area. Little is known about his early motivation or preparation for medical school but it is clear that he became interested in the Presbyterian mission movement and immediately after graduation from Jefferson he sought and received an appointment as a lay medical missionary to Syria through the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. This board was made up of representatives from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, the Dutch Reformed, and the Associated Reformed Churches. The emphasis in Syria was on the Protestant background of the member churches rather than on specifically denominational ones, and this principle carried through in the organization of mission facilities.
In 1845, Van Dyck was married to Julia Thomson, daughter of the Rev. Dr. William M. Thomson. He worked in Sidon for a time, then in Abieh, Lebanon, where he founded the Abieh High School and prepared works on geography, mathematics, navigation, and natural philosophy. While keeping up his medical duties, Van Dyck joined with Dr. Eli Smith in a translation of the Bible into Arabic.The project began in 1847, Smith died in 1857, and Van Dyck completed the work by 1865 when he spent 2 years in New York supervising the preparation of electrotype plates for the Bible printing. During those 2 years he also taught Hebrew at the Union Theological Seminary. The translation was described as a masterpiece.
In 1845, Van Dyck was married to Julia Thomson, daughter of the Rev. Dr. William M. Thomson. He worked in Sidon for a time, then in Abieh, Lebanon, where he founded the Abieh High School and prepared works on geography, mathematics, navigation, and natural philosophy. While keeping up his medical duties, Van Dyck joined with Dr. Eli Smith in
Go here for details
We must now find out about this Arabic lost in translation version........
If the Arab version start using Allah in the translation of its Arabic Bible only after Van Dyck then there is a serious logic error there la brader........
No different than you saying that the Melayus in the Nusantara actually set the benchmark on the name of the Diety for the Arabic Christians based on a melayunized loan word in Arabic.....
how meh...niat-inseng-mateg-aji-semarnyi-lem!
I'm still searching folks and I hope that you my readers join me on this fardu kifayah search..go my googling gang! go and search...i got to play futsal....
But to me its not really important......you wanna know why.......
We must ask ourselves since there is so many versions kan Bible..ni...we must ask a simple question Orang Arab yang Confident sekarang ni tu beriman dengan Bible mana........
And to answer that
I always tot the "holy" Arabic Bible yang Pakiam pegang ni dah beratus tahun la sebelum the Malay Bible.........
And if you wanna know what is the current position on Allah in Arabic Bible check this out.....
But to me its not really important......you wanna know why.......
We must ask ourselves since there is so many versions kan Bible..ni...we must ask a simple question Orang Arab yang Confident sekarang ni tu beriman dengan Bible mana........
And to answer that
June 3, 1865, Dr. Van Dyck proceeded to New York, in accordance with arrangements made with the American Bible Society, and superintended the making of a set of electrotype plates of the entire Arabic Bible in large type 8 volumes, and of the vowelled New Testament. Two years later he returned to Beirut with Mr. Samuel Hallock, an electrotyper, and superintended electrotyping the vowelled Old Testament 8vo, and editions of the entire Bible and of the New Testament. The American Bible Society furnished the British and Foreign Bible Society with a duplicate set of plates of the Bible and New Testament made in New York and also of the vowelled Old Testament made in Beirut.Thus was the Arabic Bible completed.
In a short time ten editions, containing forty thousand copies, had been printed. The accuracy of its renderings, the idiomatic excellence of the style, and even the beauty of the type, which Dr. Smith had prepared especially for it, and which surpassed all that had gone before as much as the translation excelled all previous effort, made it popular among all classes, so that even the Moslem was forced to commend the Bible of the Christian. No literary work of the century exceeds it in importance and it is acknowledged to be one of the best translations of the bible ever made.
the Arabic Bible
I always tot the "holy" Arabic Bible yang Pakiam pegang ni dah beratus tahun la sebelum the Malay Bible.........
And if you wanna know what is the current position on Allah in Arabic Bible check this out.....
We need to address a topic that is sure to come up when using ArabBible. The textual foundation for ArabBible is the venerable Van Dyck translation, completed in Lebanon in March of 1860. You are probably aware that the term used for “God” in the Van Dyck version is “Allah”. However, ArabBible does not use this word at all. Instead, the word “al-ilaah” has been employed (note: no other changes have been made to the Van Dyck text). Why the change? To answer this question we should look at several issues..
If the Arabs are already fixing their lost in translation version........Pakiam ane...kembalilah ke pangkal jalan kamu......kesian orang kristian kat Malaysia duk sembah tuhan silap translate
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