This post is dedicated to all the anonymous out there in the cyberspace!!!
I will write this one as how i see it.......orang sini bilang "bahasa terang" need to come out with theory here theory there...principle here principle there..... you know how long it normally takes to build a cyber identity? To have a following, to create the cyber-aura..............With one click of your mouse you just wiped all that effort away.......
Bak kata pepatah melayu.....terlajak perahu boleh diundur......terlajak post habis masuk google reader, google cache........kalau delete pun semua orang dah tahu........
Mamat senduk ni pulak satu.....tak habis habis nak belit sampai 3 post.....never once mintak maaf for BETRAYING A FRIEND.........
On top of it.......this senduk have the audacity to award someone a "white feather"......where the fuck did u get the feather duk.....pluck it from your spineless chicken shit......have a look at duk's comment section....and you can see the Kampung in his thinking......ajak orang nak gaduh sana sini..........i guess you sure do fit the anatomy of a senduk.....besar kepala tak tentu pasal.....sorry to digress a bit dey Parpu...stop shouting with the caplock la ingat orang pekak ke?
To top it all up.......his wife came out to defend the action to say that it was her who suggested the post.....
mmmmm......what is this monkey gonna do now.........called her senduk as well?...or is it buy one get one free kinda thing going on this senduk is enough for my kitchenware collection......
So now folks lets get back to the key issue here.....anonymity.....
Before you go on further watch this..........courtesy of my brothers from artic
Do you know how the band looks like? Did they manage to deliver their message and art to you without disclosing how they look like?
Ok how about you know how any of the Mainstream newspapers writers/columnist/editors look like?
What is anonymous anyway.....? 10 people know that its you.......50 people know that its you ...or only you yourself syiok sendiri know its you.......
Knowing an anonymous blogger is a privilege....I've witnessed a number of times when folks meet up with another anonymous blogger buddy of mine.......they would say "Oh my god!!...I read you everyday.....I'm so happy to have had the chance to meet you personally"... is not something that you casually one afternoon decide after your other half say let go kacau this blogger.....put up a post containing the picture of the can do senduk.....
Now lets look at Duk's writtings...(banyak gile...Duk lu takde kerja lain nak buat time office ke?).....ayat bombastic gile.....tapi content..tara hasil........orang tak banyak baca boleh lah lu nak jual lu punya ayat...
an anonymous friend of mine said.......he sounded so contrived and seems like trying too hard.....I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!! I think it was synthesized to its finest........of what senduk is...slowly showing his true Malay Apologist colors.......
To all anonymous out there allow this monkey to offer to you some simple guide to avoid a senduk bingai episode.
- Start counting how many people know who you are and how many have a photo of you....
- Identify typical evolving senduk syndrom.....categorised as tak puas hati cause they cannot engage you in a post vs post and normally a non-anonymous blogger.
- Avoid gatherings of bloggers... you never know... a senduk might just be there...and if you do go, DO NOT tell them about your cyber identity.....just give them your boring real life name
- Know who you can trust........when they ask too much question...or wants to take a careful
Until then I await the next piece to join my growing kitchenware collection........
nurazri · 667 weeks ago
Apa pun, aku nak sgt si pengkomen2 bodoh dkt sini kena tangkap based on this new act.
msleepyhead · 667 weeks ago
was it you or was it a glitch in the system?
satD 93p · 667 weeks ago
tech glitch by Intense Debate
I upgraded according to their instruction n all comments gone. Its a shame cause I really treasure the comment section. Tried contacting them, it seems not just my site quite a number of sites affected
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