Friday, August 14, 2015

Warkah buat Ahli UMNO: The One Step Guide on How to Remove PahlaWANG BooGees and HUsNit Ulam Jawa

As some of you may be aware...

I'm no longer on FaceBook, I lost control over my account on the 12th of August 2015 while trying to teach some people on how to write with proper data....

When I wrote the short status saying that the fixing was done at levels closer to the peg, LSS as usual come over with to comment....this time around a Cinabeng I can't remember his name also tagged along with LSS...must be part of his groupie accusing me of "word play"

LSS edited his post to reflect my comment...even asked me if I was happy

Dude like I give a's your post do what ever you like with it.

Truth is the comment is Not about Word Play at all

Tun M is not as stupid as BooGees to expropriate 1.08 ringgit from all the holder of USD who wanted to covert to MYR. 

I was trying to respond to the tag along Cinabeng....then suddenly...I lost total control over my account. (Hope Cinabeng is reading this....the vely the difelen Engrish meaning mah..thiouuu)

Pendek cerita

My account has been reported for breach of FB Terms and Condition for being an Anonymous.

They no longer welcome Anons.....

Apalah salah saya..

Anyway folks frankly I don't really give a shit about being "Viral" on Social Media or having many frens and followers...

FYI I've created a new account purely for monitoring purposes. Pi la search sekarang saya sunyi sepi takde kawan doe....

Folks today is not about that actually

Today is where I'm in MY OWN DOMAIN


So here goes...

Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. -Lord Thomas Dewer